A typical Thai greeting that goes beyond "Sawasdee."
Thai people believe that when one is well-fed, they are full of mindfulness, strength, and happiness. So, inquiring about someone’s meal expresses care and Thai-style friendship.
"Have you eat anything yet?" is thus a simple question parents ask their children, friends ask each other, and people exchange with one another. It holds a deeper meaning than just greeting "Sawasdee."

"Lom Wong Kin Khao"
or gathering around to eat together encapsulates the essence of Thai dining culture. It embodies the spirit of sharing, a fundamental aspect deeply rooted in Thai culinary traditions. This common dining practice has endured for centuries. Thais impart lessons of compassion to our children through these shared meals. Dining together becomes a heartfelt expression of love, nurturing mutual respect among us as we share these moments around the table.


Presentation of Northern Thai Local Cuisine through Our Chef’s Expertise
This is the first time we would like to share the story of a small district in Chiang Mai, Hangdong, through four dishes over the next three months